dimecres, 18 de març del 2009

St Patrick day

Bueno, la tradición de St Patrick day es grande en Liverpool, hay muchos irlandeses o descendientes en el North-west pero este año me lo he perdido y no lo he podido celebrar, los que si que lo deben haber celebrado es mis compañeros de Universidad, es lo que tiene estudiar en una Universidad irlandesa, ahi va el mail que me ha enviado el rector;

Dear Student
As many of you will be aware, there were serious disturbances in the Holyland district yesterday. The vast majority of Queen's students celebrated St Patrick's Day in an enjoyable and peaceful manner but, unfortunately, a number became involved in totally unacceptable anti-social behaviour. The University and the Students' Union totally condemn such actions and will be liaising closely with the authorities in identifying any Queen's students involved. It is the responsibility of all students to respect their neighbours and to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times. We are taking this opportunity to again remind students that there is a stringent off-campus disciplinary code in place. If any Queen's student is found to have brought the University into disrepute, they will be subject to the full rigours of this code. This can lead to expulsion from the University, which will in turn have consequences for your future career.We would like to thank those students who helped manage the situation yesterday.

No voy a ser yo el chivato, no?